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Concordia Domi Foris Pax

Holsten Gate Inscription: A Symbol of Harmony and Peace

Unveiling the Meaning Behind the Inscription

The Holsten Gate, a magnificent historical landmark in Lübeck, Germany, boasts an intriguing inscription that has captivated visitors for centuries. Emblazoned in golden letters above the outer arch, the words "concordia domi foris pax" hold a profound significance that reflects the city's aspirations for peace and harmony.

A Closer Look at the Inscription

"Concordia domi foris pax" translates to "harmony within, peace without." This concise yet powerful phrase encapsulates the city's desire for internal unity and external peace. The placement of "concordia" (harmony) and "pax" (peace) as the first and last words emphasizes their importance as fundamental values for Lübeck.

The Significance of "Domi" and "Foris"

The words "domi" and "foris" further enhance the inscription's meaning. "Domi" refers to within the city walls, symbolizing the harmony and unity among Lübeck's inhabitants. "Foris" denotes beyond the city walls, representing the city's aspirations for peace and tranquility with its neighbors.

A Legacy of Unity and Peace

The Holsten Gate inscription serves as a reminder of Lübeck's long history of striving for peace and harmony. Throughout the centuries, the city has played a vital role in the Hanseatic League, a powerful trade association that fostered cooperation and economic prosperity among northern European cities. The gate's inscription reflects Lübeck's unwavering commitment to these ideals.

A Timeless Message for the Present

In today's world, the message of the Holsten Gate inscription remains as relevant as ever. It reminds us that harmony and peace are essential for a thriving society. By embracing these values, we can create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.
